
ramka provides very basic tools for testing your application.

Class ramka.test.TestSession extends the Session class from the requests package. It provides a few additional methods for testing HTTP requests.

Function ramka.test.create_test_app() can be used to add a test session property to your custom application.

Example usage#

Let’s take a look at a very simple example of how we can test our app with pytest.

This is a sample application:

import os

from ramka.app import App

app = App(root_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

def text(response, response):
    response.text = "Hello!"

Here is a sample conftest.py file:

import os

import pytest

from examples.sample_routes.app import App
from ramka.test import TestSession, create_test_app

def create_session_fixture():
    def _create_session(app: App) -> TestSession:
        if not hasattr(app, "test_session"):
            app = create_test_app(app)

        return app.test_session

    return _create_session

And this is a sample test:

import pytest

from examples.sample_routes.app import app

def test_home(create_session):
    session = create_session(app)
    response = session.get("/")

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.text == "Hello!"

And now, let’s break it down.

First, the app. It’s very simple, there’s only one route that returns a simple test in the response.

Next, we have a fixture. The purpose of that fixture is to create the test_session property in the application (if it’s not there yet). It returns a function and we should call it with the application that we want to test as the argument.

Then we have the test. First, we import the app that we want to test. Then, in the test, we create a test session in that app. Finally, we can call perform a GET request on the / route and check the response.

I admit that this may not be the most elegant way to test an app, but hey, it’s not that bad, it works, and I’ll try to improve it in the future.

Reference implementation#

There are some example tests implemented for the sample application in the repository. See examples.sample_routes.tests for more information.